Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Famous Love Letter:Victor Hugo:

My adorable and adored
I have been asking myself every moment if such happiness is not a dream.
It seems to me that what I feel is not of earth. I cannot yet comprehend this cloudless heaven.
My whole soul is yours.
My Joseph, why is there no word for this but joy? Is it because there is no power in human speech to express such happiness?sometimes I tremble lest I should suddenly awaken from this dream divine.
Oh, now you are mine! At last you are mine! Soon -- in a few months, perhaps, my angel will sleep in my arms, will awaken in my arms, will live there.
All your thoughts at all moments, all your looks will be for me; all my thoughts, all my moments, all my looks, will be for you!
Adieu, my angel, my beloved Adele! Adieu!
Still I am far from you, but I can dream of you.
Soon perhaps you will be at my side.
Adieu; pardon the delirium of your soon to be wife who embraces you, and who adores you, both for this life and another.

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