I bought a huge bag of potatoes from Costco about a month ago thinking my family loves potatoes, and we'll cook them out on our fire in our back yard, and we won't have to heat up our house baking them; brilliant plan I know! Then the wild fires started, and the no burn zones, and so my brilliant plan was futile. A couple weeks ago my sister came to visit so I gave her half the bag of potatoes and we were still left with a ton! I don't like throwing away food so Joseph and I baked a bunch of potatoes Tuesday night to keep in the fridge. Also, last night Joseph baked two loafs of potato bread using some of our baked supply; another brilliant plan! As I start paying attention to the amount of food we used to waste as a family, and my mind shifts to our homesteading plans and lifestyle, I see the need for a root cellar more and more.
Take a look the yummy potato bread!
The recipe is found in this book on page 402. It's a rather long and detailed recipe that I didn't want to re-type. If you're interested in the recipe I'd be happy to fax or scan and email you a copy.
The bread is very good and hardy! Better than anything you could buy in the store! |
Potato Bread! Joseph is a fantastic baker! |
Tonight I made a simple dinner: Open face grilled cheese and egg sandwiches with oranges!
The potato bread grilled nicely and of course the eggs came from our wonderful chickens!
We are very blessed! |
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